Dental Sealants

Terre Haute, IN

At Vivid Smiles, Dr. Roshini Durga Paruchuri and Dr. Nilanchal Sahai are committed to safeguarding your child’s dental health. One of the most effective and proactive ways we can help protect your child’s teeth from cavities and decay is through dental sealants.

Vivid Smiles in the News

Want to see what the team at Vivid Smiles has been up to? Check out our features in the local news for updates! We’re proud to be a part of the Terre Haute community and we feel honored to be a resource for your family when it comes to oral health and hygiene.


What Are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are thin, protective coatings applied to the chewing surfaces of the back teeth (molars). Molars are crucial for chewing and grinding food, but their complex structure makes them more susceptible to cavities. The deep grooves and fissures in these teeth can be challenging to clean thoroughly, even with diligent brushing and flossing. Food particles and bacteria can easily become trapped, leading to plaque buildup and, eventually, tooth decay. Sealants act as a barrier, shielding these teeth from harmful substances and significantly reducing the risk of decay. This saves your kiddo from more complex procedures later on!

Why Choose Dental Sealants for Your Child?

• Prevent Cavities: Sealants provide an extra layer of protection against cavities, helping to keep your child’s teeth healthy and strong.

•Safe and Painless: The application process is quick, painless, and non-invasive, making it an easy experience for your child.

•Long-Lasting Protection: With proper care, sealants can last for several years, offering long-term benefits for your child’s oral health.

•Cost-Effective: Preventing cavities with sealants can save you time and money by avoiding the need for more extensive dental treatments down the road.

What to Expect

•Friendly Consultation: During your visit to Vivid Smiles, we’ll start with a friendly consultation to discuss the benefits of dental sealants and address any questions you may have for out Terre Haute dentist.

Thorough Cleaning: We’ll begin by thoroughly cleaning your child’s teeth to ensure a clean surface for the sealant application.

Sealant Application: The sealant is then painted onto the tooth enamel, where it bonds directly and hardens quickly, providing immediate protection.

Final Check: Dr. Paruchuri or Dr. Sahai will check the sealants to ensure they’re properly applied and your child’s teeth are protected.

More About Preventive Care

How Often Should I Visit?

Scheduling Routine Care

You should see one of our dentists at Vivid Smiles every six months for a cleaning and a checkup. Not only do regular checkups help us identify early stages of gum disease and tooth decay, but they also keep your smile healthy and clean. Some patients, such as those who suffer from gum disease or other oral health issues, may need to see Dr. Paruchuri and Dr. Philip more regularly to ensure that their teeth and gums stay healthy.

What to Expect

Six Month Checkups

Your six-month exam is one of the most important steps in preserving and safeguarding your oral health. These appointments will usually take less than an hour, and will begin with one of our dental hygienists examining your teeth for signs of oral health issues. Plaque and tartar will be removed using specialized dental tools, and your teeth will be cleaned and polished with a special, high-powered toothbrush. One of our dentists will thoroughly examine your mouth for signs of oral health issues, and x-rays may be recommended, if necessary. After this, we will discuss any concerns with you and schedule your follow-up appointment.

Fluoride Treatments

Halt and Reverse Decay

Fluoride treatments can be used to reverse minor cases of tooth decay, also known as “soft spots.” These soft spots occur when enamel has been weakened, but the enamel has not yet been irreversibly damaged. Fluoride has the unique ability to remineralize and strengthen enamel. During this painless, non-invasive treatment, fluoride is painted directly onto weakened teeth and left in place to help start the remineralization process.

Dental Sealants

Prevent Cavity Formation

Dental sealants use a special type of plastic dental resin that is applied to your rear teeth. This resin creates a hard, plastic barrier that covers up your enamel and prevents acid, oral bacteria, and food particles from directly contacting your teeth. In turn, this prevents cavities from forming in your rear molars, which are typically teeth that are at high risk of decay. Sealants are easy to apply and can protect your teeth for up to 10 years or longer.

Sealants for Lifelong Dental Health

By choosing dental sealants, you’re taking a proactive step in ensuring your child’s dental health. Sealants are a simple yet powerful tool in preventing cavities, making them an excellent addition to your child’s oral hygiene routine. Remember, prevention is always better than the cure!

Schedule Your Child’s Appointment Today

At Vivid Smiles, we’re dedicated to making dental visits a positive experience for children and parents alike. Dr. Roshini Durga Paruchuri and Dr. Nilanchal Sahai are here to provide the best in pediatric dental care. Call us at (812) 803-2340 to schedule your child’s appointment today. Let us help you protect your child’s bright and healthy smile with dental sealants!

Vivid Smiles in the News

Want to see what the team at Vivid Smiles has been up to? Check out our features in the local news for updates! We’re proud to be a part of the Terre Haute community and we feel honored to be a resource for your family when it comes to oral health and hygiene.


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